Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hej! hej!

I've taken a little time between blog posts because for the past few days I have been grumpy due to jetlag and malnourishment, but now that I have had sufficient hours of sleep and have gotten some food in my belly (thanks to my shopping spree and my hallmates) I'm feeling much better.

A contributing factor in my mood's improvement has been that I now have my life in order. I've settled into my room in the student living area called Kungshamra (pictures will come later I promise!) I've started my microbiology class and have registered for my Polisci class (but it may overlap with my required Swedish class so we'll have to see how that goes).  Now the two major things to do on my list are to purchase a cell phone and get a 3 month metro pass (an essential because I use it to commute to school).

Microbiology has been going well, but it is a very lab intensive class (if I don't get superlab credit for this monster I'm going to kill someone) we start lab at 9:15 most days and end at 4 with a one hour break for lunch.  Luckily this is only going to be for the beginning portion of the class, but still this is several weeks of all day labs!

Last night Sarah and I went out into Stockholm with some of her hallmates and their friends which was great and we had a lot of fun. Today I had no class and slept in late then went to ikea.  I got all the essentials, or at least I though so till I was sitting on the bus and realized that I had forgotten to buy sheets! Luckily Sarah has some extra in her room so I'll be able to sleep comfortably until I'm able to get back to Ikea.

The weather has been relatively good here and has stayed around freezing. And apparently this is one of the mildest winters they've had in years.  The first snow of the season came on the day I arrived and continued on to the 16th, but there's not much left on the ground. The downside of the warm weather is that it's the result of the constant cloud cover we've had it keeps the temps up but I haven't seen the sun, stars or sky since I've arrived, hopefully this will change sometime soon.

The Swedish cinema classic that my blog's title is in reference to is the Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman, its very good.  The other reason that I've called it this is that according to Haverford's online records Sarah and I are tied for the seventh Haverford students to come to Stockholm University.

All the Best!

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