Sunday, January 15, 2012

Greetings from the land of ABBA and Ikea!

I'm writing this jetlagged at 4 in the morning (local time, middle of the day anywhere in the States) on the floor of Sarah's room (A fellow Haverford student who kindly donated her floor and sleeping bag to me this first night since I arrived too late to get into my housing) so I apologize if this becomes incoherent.

I got into Stockholm safe and sound last night after some 16 hours of traveling.  The flights were thankfully uneventful, and I was incredibly blessed on the first flight getting a bulk-head, exit row seat! For those of you who are not vertically gifted (or cursed depending on the situation) this may seem like I'm getting overexcited about nothing, but this seating arrangement meant that I did not have to contort myself into yoga poses for the duration of the 11 hr flight so I believe that my excitement is justified. Also since I was flying on Swiss airlines they gave us chocolates at the end of each flight, this made my day.  The only downside to my travel experience was the outrageous price of the taxi to the university, my fare was twice Sarah's!

Tomorrow (today?.... the 16th?) is going to consist of actually moving into my room, getting orientated and figuring out class stuff.  Should be a good time.

More to come! (hopefully)

Also kudos to anyone who gets what the blog title is in reference to.
Hint: It relates to a classic in Swedish cinema

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